Uses of Interface

Packages that use Document
org.dom4j Defines the XML Document Object Model in Java interfaces together with some helper classes. 
org.dom4j.datatype An implementation of the dom4j API which supports the XML Schema Data Types specification. 
org.dom4j.dom An implementation of the dom4j API which also supports the W3C object model. Provides input and output via SAX and DOM together with writing dom4j objects to streams as XML text. 
org.dom4j.rule A Pattern based XML rule engine which implements the full XSLT processing model while allowing any Action to be fired if a pattern matches.  
org.dom4j.swing A collection of adapters to allow easy integration with dom4j XML documents and Swing such as TreeModels and TableModels. 
org.dom4j.tree Contains the default implementations of the dom4j Document Object Model together with some helpful base classes for those wishing to implement their own document object model.  
org.dom4j.util A collection of utility classes for the dom4j API. 

Uses of Document in org.dom4j

Methods in org.dom4j that return Document
 Document Node.getDocument()
           getDocument returns the Document that this Node is part of if this node supports the parent relationship.
static Document DocumentHelper.createDocument()
static Document DocumentHelper.createDocument(Element rootElement)
static Document DocumentHelper.parseText(String text)
           parseText parses the given text as an XML document and returns the newly created Document.
 Document DocumentFactory.createDocument()
 Document DocumentFactory.createDocument(String encoding)
          DOCUMENT ME!
 Document DocumentFactory.createDocument(Element rootElement)
 Document Document.addComment(String comment)
          Adds a new Comment node with the given text to this branch.
 Document Document.addProcessingInstruction(String target, String text)
          Adds a processing instruction for the given target
 Document Document.addProcessingInstruction(String target, Map data)
          Adds a processing instruction for the given target
 Document Document.addDocType(String name, String publicId, String systemId)
          Adds a DOCTYPE declaration to this document

Methods in org.dom4j with parameters of type Document
 void VisitorSupport.visit(Document document)
 void Visitor.visit(Document document)
           Visits the given Document
 void Node.setDocument(Document document)
           setDocument sets the document of this node if the parent relationship is supported or does nothing if the parent relationship is not supported.

Uses of Document in org.dom4j.datatype

Methods in org.dom4j.datatype with parameters of type Document
 void schemaDocument)
          Parses the given schema document
 void schemaDocument, Namespace namespace)
 void DatatypeDocumentFactory.loadSchema(Document schemaDocument)
          Loads the given XML Schema document into this factory so schema-aware Document, Elements and Attributes will be created by this factory.
 void DatatypeDocumentFactory.loadSchema(Document schemaDocument, Namespace targetNamespace)
protected  void DatatypeDocumentFactory.loadSchema(Document document, String schemaInstanceURI)
protected  void DatatypeDocumentFactory.loadSchema(Document document, String schemaInstanceURI, Namespace namespace)

Uses of Document in org.dom4j.dom

Classes in org.dom4j.dom that implement Document
 class DOMDocument
           DOMDocument implements an XML document which supports the W3C DOM API.

Methods in org.dom4j.dom that return Document
 Document DOMDocumentFactory.createDocument()

Methods in org.dom4j.dom with parameters of type Document
static Document DOMNodeHelper.asDOMDocument(Document document)

Uses of Document in

Methods in that return Document
 Document file)
           Reads a Document from the given File
 Document url)
           Reads a Document from the given URL
 Document systemID)
           Reads a Document from the given URL or filename.
 Document in)
           Reads a Document from the given stream
 Document reader)
           Reads a Document from the given Reader
 Document[] text)
           Reads a Document from the given array of characters
 Document in, String systemID)
           Reads a Document from the given stream
 Document reader, String systemID)
           Reads a Document from the given Reader
protected  Document XPPReader.parseDocument()
 Document file)
           Reads a Document from the given File
 Document url)
           Reads a Document from the given URL
 Document systemID)
           Reads a Document from the given URL or filename.
 Document in)
           Reads a Document from the given stream
 Document reader)
           Reads a Document from the given Reader
 Document[] text)
           Reads a Document from the given array of characters
 Document in, String systemID)
           Reads a Document from the given stream
 Document reader, String systemID)
           Reads a Document from the given Reader
protected  Document XPP3Reader.parseDocument()
 Document STAXEventReader.readDocument(InputStream is)
          Constructs a StAX event stream from the provided I/O stream and reads a DOM4J document from it.
 Document STAXEventReader.readDocument(Reader reader)
          Constructs a StAX event stream from the provided I/O character stream and reads a DOM4J document from it.
 Document STAXEventReader.readDocument(InputStream is, String systemId)
          Constructs a StAX event stream from the provided I/O stream and reads a DOM4J document from it.
 Document STAXEventReader.readDocument(Reader reader, String systemId)
          Constructs a StAX event stream from the provided I/O character stream and reads a DOM4J document from it.
 Document STAXEventReader.readDocument( reader)
          Reads a DOM4J Documentfrom the provided stream.
 Document file)
           Reads a Document from the given File
 Document url)
           Reads a Document from the given URL using SAX
 Document systemId)
           Reads a Document from the given URL or filename using SAX.
 Document in)
           Reads a Document from the given stream using SAX
 Document reader)
           Reads a Document from the given Reader using SAX
 Document in, String systemId)
           Reads a Document from the given stream using SAX
 Document reader, String systemId)
           Reads a Document from the given Reader using SAX
 Document in)
           Reads a Document from the given InputSource using SAX
 Document SAXModifier.modify(File source)
          Reads a Document from the given Fileand writes it to the specified XMLWriterusing SAX.
 Document SAXModifier.modify(InputSource source)
          Reads a Document from the given InputSourceand writes it to the specified XMLWriterusing SAX.
 Document SAXModifier.modify(InputStream source)
          Reads a Document from the given InputStreamand writes it to the specified XMLWriterusing SAX.
 Document SAXModifier.modify(InputStream source, String systemId)
          Reads a Document from the given InputStreamand writes it to the specified XMLWriterusing SAX.
 Document SAXModifier.modify(Reader source)
          Reads a Document from the given Readerand writes it to the specified XMLWriterusing SAX.
 Document SAXModifier.modify(Reader source, String systemId)
          Reads a Document from the given Readerand writes it to the specified XMLWriterusing SAX.
 Document SAXModifier.modify(URL source)
          Reads a Document from the given URLand writes it to the specified XMLWriterusing SAX.
 Document SAXModifier.modify(String source)
          Reads a Document from the given URL or filename and writes it to the specified XMLWriterusing SAX.
 Document SAXContentHandler.getDocument()
          DOCUMENT ME!
protected  Document SAXContentHandler.createDocument()
          DOCUMENT ME!
 Document domDocument)
protected  Document DOMReader.createDocument()
 Document DocumentSource.getDocument()
          DOCUMENT ME!
 Document DocumentResult.getDocument()
          DOCUMENT ME!

Methods in with parameters of type Document
 void XMLWriter.write(Document doc)
           This will print the Document to the current Writer.
 void STAXEventWriter.writeDocument(Document doc)
          Writes a DOM4J Documentnode, and all its contents, to the stream. STAXEventWriter.createStartDocument(Document doc)
          Constructs a STAX StartDocumentevent from a DOM4J Document. STAXEventWriter.createEndDocument(Document doc)
          Constructs a STAX EndDocumentevent from a DOM4J Document.
 void SAXWriter.write(Document document)
          Generates SAX events for the given Document and all its content
protected  void SAXWriter.documentLocator(Document document)
          The Locatoris only really useful when parsing a textual document as its main purpose is to identify the line and column number.
protected  void SAXWriter.entityResolver(Document document)
protected  void SAXWriter.dtdHandler(Document document)
          We do not yet support DTD or XML Schemas so this method does nothing right now.
 void SAXValidator.validate(Document document)
          Validates the given Document by writing it to a validating SAX Parser.
 Document DOMWriter.write(Document document)
 Document DOMWriter.write(Document document, DOMImplementation domImpl)
protected  Document DOMWriter.createDomDocument(Document document)
protected  Document DOMWriter.createDomDocument(Document document, DOMImplementation domImpl)
 void DocumentSource.setDocument(Document document)
          Sets the document used as the JAXP SAXSource

Constructors in with parameters of type Document
DocumentSource(Document document)
          Creates a JAXP SAXSourcefor the given Document.

Uses of Document in org.dom4j.jaxb

Methods in org.dom4j.jaxb that return Document
 Document source)
          Parses the specified File
 Document file, java.nio.charset.Charset charset)
          Parses the specified File, using the given Charset.
 Document source)
          Parses the specified InputSource
 Document source)
          Parses the specified InputStream
 Document source, String systemId)
          Parses the specified InputStream
 Document source)
          Parses the specified Reader
 Document source, String systemId)
          Parses the specified Reader
 Document source)
          Parses the the given URL or filename.
 Document source)
          Parses the the given URL.
 Document JAXBModifier.modify(File source)
          Parses the specified Filewith SAX
 Document JAXBModifier.modify(File source, java.nio.charset.Charset charset)
          Parses the specified Filewith SAX, using the given Charset.
 Document JAXBModifier.modify(InputSource source)
          Parses the specified InputSourcewith SAX.
 Document JAXBModifier.modify(InputStream source)
          Parses the specified InputStreamwith SAX.
 Document JAXBModifier.modify(InputStream source, String systemId)
          Parses the specified InputStreamwith SAX.
 Document JAXBModifier.modify(Reader r)
          Parses the specified Readerwith SAX.
 Document JAXBModifier.modify(Reader source, String systemId)
          Parses the specified Readerwith SAX.
 Document JAXBModifier.modify(String url)
          Parses the the given URL or filename.
 Document JAXBModifier.modify(URL source)
          Parses the the given URL.

Uses of Document in org.dom4j.rule

Methods in org.dom4j.rule with parameters of type Document
 void Mode.applyTemplates(Document document)

Uses of Document in org.dom4j.swing

Fields in org.dom4j.swing declared as Document
protected  Document DocumentTreeModel.document
          The document for this model

Methods in org.dom4j.swing that return Document
 Document DocumentTreeModel.getDocument()
          DOCUMENT ME!

Methods in org.dom4j.swing with parameters of type Document
static XMLTableDefinition XMLTableDefinition.load(Document definition)
          Loads an XML table definition from an XML definition document
 void DocumentTreeModel.setDocument(Document document)
          Sets the Document instance that this TreeModel is based on

Constructors in org.dom4j.swing with parameters of type Document
XMLTableModel(Document tableDefinition, Object source)
          Creates a TableModel from an XML table definition document and an XML source
DocumentTreeModel(Document document)

Uses of Document in org.dom4j.tree

Classes in org.dom4j.tree that implement Document
 class AbstractDocument
           AbstractDocument is an abstract base class for tree implementors to use for implementation inheritence.
 class DefaultDocument
           DefaultDocument is the default DOM4J default implementation of an XML document.

Methods in org.dom4j.tree that return Document
 Document DefaultElement.getDocument()
 Document DefaultDocument.addDocType(String docTypeName, String publicId, String systemId)
 Document BaseElement.getDocument()
 Document AbstractNode.getDocument()
 Document AbstractDocument.getDocument()
 Document AbstractDocument.addComment(String comment)
 Document AbstractDocument.addProcessingInstruction(String target, String data)
 Document AbstractDocument.addProcessingInstruction(String target, Map data)

Methods in org.dom4j.tree with parameters of type Document
 void DefaultElement.setDocument(Document document)
 void BaseElement.setDocument(Document document)
 void AbstractNode.setDocument(Document document)

Uses of Document in org.dom4j.util

Methods in org.dom4j.util that return Document
 Document ProxyDocumentFactory.createDocument()
 Document ProxyDocumentFactory.createDocument(Element rootElement)

Methods in org.dom4j.util with parameters of type Document
 int n1, Document n2)

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